How To Identify An Authentic Coach Handbag


Coach handbags are an excellent example of American craftsmanship at its best. Made with quality materials and an attention to detail that’s rare in today’s marketplace, Coach handbags are worth their high price. As always, there are people who would rather spend less and purchase a fake bag. The fake bags may look similar to the real thing, but they are not identical. To tell the difference between the fake and the real, all you have to do is read the signs.

1.Look closely at the Coach “C” logos on the outside of the bag. They should all be symmetrical, especially at the seams. Notice whether any of the “C” logos are cut off at any of the bag’s edges or seams. An authentic Coach bag does not display a logo that has been severed or partially sewn into a seam. No matter how slight the compromise may be, the “C” should be completely in tact.

2.Verify that all of the stitching is a uniform double-thickness. Any thin, single-thread or inconsistent stitching indicates a fake Coach handbag.

3.Check the lining on signature Coach bags. Signature bags do not have signature linings. Signature linings are used by Coach, but only in bags with solid-colored exteriors.

4.Check the bag for a lining. Leaving the lining out of a bag is an easy way to cut costs when manufacturing a fake bag. All authentic Coach handbags are lined, with only one exception. The Coach Classic is sold without a lining.

5.Look beyond the serial number or authentication code. Many designers use such codes and Coach is no exception. The difference is that Coach is very inconsistent with the use and application of these numbers. It is not uncommon to find Coach bags from different lines with the exact same number. Because of this, these codes are not a reliable means for determining authenticity.