Designer Jeans A Part Of American Culture


We all seem to have a favorite pair of jeans. We wear them until they are worn out and then we are faced with the difficult task of finding a replacement pair. Jeans are a classical American fashion. Denim is known to be wearable in almost any social situation, with the exception of some extra special social events like formal occasions.

Do you want a designer pair of jeans? They used to cost hundreds of dollars and even then they didn’t always fit as well as the pair you wore out. How do you know if you are getting quality denim at a reasonable price you can afford? Designer jeans are just like any other piece of designer clothing, they have knock-offs. Do you really want to wear less than the best? Some designers have wised up and are offering their lines in chains like Macy’s for the many people who want to wear the best classic and designer denim, but can’t always pay the higher prices.

Top end designers like to make jeans that focus on quality and design while paying close attention to fit and style. Because each pair is given close attention to detail, the craftsmanship is higher which results in a better pair of jeans. Some manufacturers only make a small number of each style before ending the run.

This makes the jeans more expensive, but also more unique and sought after. Having a numbered pair of custom, hand finished denim jeans is like having a numbered print of a masterpiece. You know the artist, in this case the clothing designer, made the original and authorized the production of the limited editions.

A few designer’s jeans are made unique by the kind of cloth used in production. Some cloth manufactured in Japan is produced using traditional methods that make a stronger, sturdier cloth. When combining traditional methods with modern thread, the cloth produced can be thinner, like paper and stronger than most fabrics used for cheaper jeans production.

Thinner cloth used means the denim hugs your body more and accentuates the natural curves and muscles. Being able to look fabulous in a pair of jeans is one thing, but slamming it out in a pair of body shaping, wow, look at me! designer jeans is like owning a professional ball team and having them win the championship game. Well, no, not really, but does it help to make you feel better about yourself to know you look awesome? Yes, yes, it does!