I heard group of ladies talking in the mall the other day, and one of them was complimented on her jeans. -Whose are they?- they asked her. -Not Your Daughter’s Jeans,- she replied.
Now, maybe I underestimated the role that intonation and body language plays in communication, but the response struck me as insolent and sarcastic. After a response like that I would normally expect a shouting match to follow, but instead they all said, -Oh, I love them!- and -Where did you get them?-
What the heck?
I’ve heard women say a lot of strange things in my life, but this conversation might have taken the cake.
Not your daughter’s jeans?
What kind of response is that?
After doing a bit of research with my most trusted sources, my lady friends set me straight on this one. Not Your Daughter’s Jeans is not a phrase, but the brand name of a jean line for women, and you can call them NYDJ for short, if you’re cool like that.
(Oh, the things I learn in the break room!)
Research, research, research.
I learned a lot more about these jeans-more, probably, than everyone else on earth except for the people that invented them.
It’s a family owned business. The father is responsible for creating Saint Germain Jeans back in the 1970s and 80s, and his daughters brought him out of retirement to help them start their own line of jeans for women.
He loves what he does. (If I had a job looking at models in jeans all day, I’d probably never retire.)
The jeans have a special crisscross pattern in the front of the jeans that tucks in your tummy and makes you look a size smaller.
There’s no muffin top action, which makes Not Your Daughter’s Jeans the perfect short-term solution while you lose weight.
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