koreanjapanclothing Asian fashion Winter Fashion Express Rule


koreanjapanclothing Asian fashion Winter Fashion Express Rule Level classes -Color Bonus Point Method

Use color matching, you can mix of multi-level Korean fashion method renders more smooth and professional. The most conservative approach is to select a color, such as the all black or all white or color, for example, different shades of red, to do the whole match. If your application is single-tone into his own hands, that you can try to change some of the contrasting colours. Red: The same red, in different materials can show distinct gradation with colors Japanese fashion . Brown: A different stripe pattern and color matching, produces interesting visual effects. But the tone selection must be consistent and coordinated. Black: Black on black with black, so we can build a stylish attire. Black and sense of depth, but the two most HOT trends. Black and white: Evening dress can also wear a multi-level langmangan. Particularly elegant snow yarn and hollow out of lace, plus top overlapping darkness, is full of mysterious and sexy loomed. Grey: Grey scarf and silver stripe dress resonates, black panties matching with black Tweed, weave a black Concerto. Contrasting colors: In contrast to the blue and yellow, is dynamic. Especially in the dark jacket, skirt and scale are the even more beautiful. However the color levels of scale to the smaller the better, for example, this dress yellow part, it is just right. Advanced courses – Perfect Ratio Class Perfect levels of performance, are part of the overall proportion of accuracy. In fact, the single color is, the more you can do multiple levels of change, but if there is too much of the color or pattern, then on the the ratio of the rendering of the hierarchy, you should get fewer and fewer. Model 1: The pink line of pink t-shirt mix powder blue printing and irregular skirt skirt and blue and yellow and black printing scale formation color contrast, although the color and pattern, but is full of harmony and beauty. Model 2: Short coat manufacturing was layered, black scale to further increase the level of the lower body. Model 3: You can mix colors and patterns, but the most important thing is to have a common main hue. This model is entirely up to the black series, from Black wool hat, t-shirt, black flowers, black dress, then to black boots, stretch and scale. Model 4: Play snow yarn gown, to create a multi-layered short (jacket) extension (snow yarn clothes) and short (leather skirt) and long (ranked neatly in the Hall) look. Model 5 Short coat will reveal the embroidery t-shirt hierarchy, coincides with the skirt hem strip width. Render exquisite sense of depth. Model 6: A large shawl can go in and out of the layered with wearing hats, scale and ranked neatly in the Hall, is so handsome. From: www.koreanjapanclothing.com