Safety Training For Garment Manufacturing Workers


Garment manufacturing industries are increasing great popularity. More and more industries are being opened and it has helped a lot in giving employment to the hundreds and thousands of people. The workers of this industry are required to work in difficult, risky and complex working conditions. Their lives are at stake and the chances of workplace injuries and accidents are large in number. Safety training for these workers is as important, as it is important for the safety of the workers of other types of industries. There are many safety products, available in the market, which helps in securing and protecting the health and lives of the garment-manufacturing workers.

To equip your workers with these gadgets does not fulfill your responsibility, but you are also supposed to arrange regular safety training for your labor force. Every time, a new process or machine is introduced in your working units, you are supposed to train your workers about the proper usage of the machine. Similarly, if any new and improved safety gadget comes in market, you are required to buy that product and train your workers about its correct usage. In this way, you are really going to lower down the risk levels and it will resultantly elevate your rate of profitability and success. There are different types of machines, which are used in the manufacturing of garments. These machines and tools can be very dangerous for the workers. Therefore, it is necessary to train your workers before the actually start their work on the machines. Following are some very important tips on safety training of the workers,

There are sharp tools, used in the cutting of fabrics. These tools can be dangerous for the workers. You should train your workers, to keep their tools in perfect working conditions and to store them safely, while they are not working on them.

Train your workers to keep these sharp tools away from their eyes and body.

There are certain chemicals, which are used in the processing of garments. These chemicals can be very harmful for the skin, eyes and can also cause respiratory diseases to the workers, as the fumes, which evaporate, while the processing, can bring in certain respiratory problems and the spilling of the chemicals can damage the face and eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to train your workers to wear masks and safety glass.

The machines, on which garments are manufactured, make very loud noise, which is unbearable. In order to protect your workers from hearing problems, you should train them the usage of hearing muffs, which will protect their ears.

The processing on garments can raise the temperature of the workplace to a great extent and in heated environment it becomes difficult to work. Therefore, you must train your workers to wear heatproof clothes and encourage them to drink more and more water, while they are at work.

Garment manufacturing workers need to keep close view on the garment and it increases the chances of eye injuries and stress. Provide and train your workers to use protective eyewear.

The above-mentioned safety training tips can really bring down the risks of injuries and accidents and your workers will be able to work in a healthy and protected workplace. is one of world largest company that provides safety products and safety equipments to the small and large scale business employers along with safety training and consulting.