Jeans, swimsuit style fully shown


Jeans, swimsuit style fully shown

High to high society, as low as the general population, women’s straight leg jeans, men’s straight leg jeans are jeans, etc. Everyone, men and women must have, but as far away as 100 years ago, got jeans can not even count the invention of the table is Characterization of blue-collar working class clothes, looking back tannins along the way, is not fool, no doubt for the fashion industry in the East is Red, especially with the improved design and materials development, but to interpret the style jeans 10,000 kinds of side reduced to ass, legs longer and thinner the slim waist, denim brands on a common task for the public.

Miss Sixty Italian woman to in order to create “exquisite curve” skill itself, designer and founder of the fight from the start Wichy Hassan, in devoting himself to wallow in Danningbuli, his ideal is to get into the wholesale women’s jeans to dinner something presentable and acceptable, good or ill, there will be disposable type designer brands in the beauty side, select the tannins work wearing his red carpet walk on the stars; a lot of Lycra and splicing arc is main material, and indeed the show to help tannin material more perfect beautiful curves, Tun Xing Yuan Qiao Li boat, sexy index significantly improved version of the most popular type on the bell bottoms pants supplied shoe section and the most lovable, and years of low rise and ultra-popular Di Yaoku paragraph minimum of only 5 before the crotch ??, wear results are quite amazing.
Finally said swimsuit, and swimsuit swim two major brands: ARENA, SPEEDO, the world-class swimming supplies, avant-garde style, superior performance (but I will not recommend these two brands, mainly the price is very high, General swimmers need not be so professional swimsuit, unless you are full of swimming enthusiasts, and very difficult to buy). Here I recommend using FEW (float), YINGFA (British made), durable, exquisite workmanship, a relatively large wholesale swimwear for swimming enthusiasts. Bikini is also a main force, which is the fitness of women’s favorite. Can put to sea for swimming, it can also be used as accessories to match exterior. Bikini less fabric, the more exposed parts. Not everyone has a flat stomach, strong, slender arms and legs, but even if you do not have a devil figure, as long as choose their own wholesale bikini body, but also cleverly disguised body weaknesses, so that you show self-confident charm.
